Sunday, 18 March 2018


What was your favorite assignment? My favourite assignment was making badges to contribute to children's motivation.

Which unit do you feel helped you grow the most? All of them, and I would like to add that I found Classroom Management most interesting.

Which parts of the course were the most challenging? Working collaboratively as I cannot work with other schools. 

How has participating in this course helped you become a better teacher and learner? It has helped me a lot to become a better teacher. I am not alone. There are many people like me out there, eager to learn and to contribute to a better future for their pupils. Teachers who understand that technology is there to help, and serve the teaching purposes. 
It is very important to have goals in the different areas of your life. Professionally, a tip from Shelly Sanchez Terrell has come very useful to me, and it is to take little steps and thus achieving things that are achievable. 

To transform any activity that we want to present to our pupils as a learning mission (appealing to our pupils' motivation).

To make meaningful badges and to store them on a digital backpack(appealing as well to our pupils' motivation). 

To depeen my knowledge of digital citizenship, digital safety, netifquette, digital footprint and its effects. This year I was in charge of introducing these topics to Primary school and I found the international and national webs Saferinternetday of great use. Analyzing these concepts here has helped me. 

Classroom management is an area I want to broaden and deepen my knowledge of and develop further. 

Teaming up and working collaboratively with other colleagues is going to be possible on paper, in theory and present together the google doc which you have prepared a template for us, however I cannot implement it in practical life. We often work with Skype in the Classroom having periodical virtual trips but we don't do exchanges with other schools.

I found the rubrica very well laid out. The purposes were stated very clear and thus it was very easy to assess my own work, and hopefully, other colleagues' work.

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